Al’s Corner
Prior to the last time I spoke with Al in person, I explained that I was concerned for him and made him aware of this website. I explained my motives and also told him that I have given him access to post about his experiences with Quixtar Amway Global. To date, Al never took advantage of this, probably because he would not wish to endorse this website by contributing to it. Many might think this website would be a gaff between friends, but you only need visit Al’s website HateTheRadio to understand this website was nothing compared to the frequent burns and pokes that occurred between friends. This site was originally built for him in his image, with my styling.
Let it be publicly known that he has always had access to post in his corner, but chose not to. It’s a bit sad as I’m sure the readers of this site are interested to know whether success has come or not. As I’ve not been able to fulfill this segment of the site, I’ve gladly opened the same position to a new party, Tom, who I’ve invited to post in his corner.